Monday, December 10, 2007

These are some T-shirt designs

I created these designs for a band called Silvertide. They are in the process of deciding if they want to use them on their shirts. I wanted to keep the design simple so it would be easier to print them on the shirts. Let me know what you think.

My Alien and more.

Well, the alien project is done, so here is the finished piece. Mr. Cargill, or even the people in my class could tell you this is different from the one I turned in for a grade, but I like it better like this.

Hope ya'll like it. And while I'm here, I think I'll post one of my home-made artworks.

For this, me and my good friend Bobby were messing with my camera, we got some awesome shots of him looking evil, and after a little photoshop, well, bingo.

Lastly, some free advertising

My Art Blog
My Deviant